I am realizing that it actually takes most of my day just to do my treatments. Motivation and energy are low each day to push yourself physically to do the same thing you did yesterday, without anyone pushing you along. It makes me reflect on what the wellness trainer Elanda did for me in Utah. She is so good at her job that I just had to show up, no matter how I felt, I knew she would talk me through it. She did every day and always seemed to know the right thing to say. I feel very grateful to her, for pushing me to finish, and finish well, through the toughest mental and physical challenge of my life. Its always an inspiring experience to come across people who love what they do and do it well...I feel like I have said that before lol.
I also have reflected a lot on the past few years, when things were at their worst and I realized something pretty significant for me; Even on a bad day now, I am in a very good place. No matter the number or magnitude of any setback, I am so much stronger, safer, supported and blessed, than any day in the last few years. I have accomplished so much, thanks to the people around me that no bad day can really be that bad. I finally have professionals that agree there was a major problem. I was treated with a research based system that clearly moved me months, if not years ahead in my recovery. I have been equipped to strengthen and support my body so that it can always best deal with this disease and feel like the most loved human being on the face of this earth. No bad days can take that away. That my friends, is the quintessential example of empowerment.
So although there are ups and down ahead for the next few months, I feel very privileged to have ups and down. All of what is going on is a sign of recovery, a sign of improvement and proof I am on the right path. No matter how bad a day it is, there is always good in every day. I don't say that theoretically. I mean it literally. My worst days have so much more good, promise and hope than many of the days in my preceding years. I almost can't remember how disabling this illness felt or how it wore away at everything I believed in myself. Each time it took more of my physical abilities away, I decided it would not stop me, until it worked away away my head and affected the simple tasks we take for granted. I now know, I never have to go back there. I can just keep working and working until each last symptom is gone for good. I have the power.

I can now confidently say, I am on the road to recovery. I have waited awhile to say that and mean it. Despite the symptoms and challenges that still exist, I know I am on the right path to recovery and that can override anything. There have been so many people I want to thank along this road, but it would take longer than the recovery. And as much sadness is still out in the world, I cannot let it cloud the amazing support and love around me. People have the ability to change the world, because what all of you have done in a short while has changed my life.
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