Saturday, April 11, 2020

FRESH AIR - Fuel for the Mind, Body & Soul

There is more to getting fresh air than just stepping outside.  But I think we can all agree we have experienced that moment when you step outside, take that deep inhale and instantly feel our body relax, the swirling in your mind takes a pause and the overall sense of what can best be described as a feeling of calm.  It seems impossible to believe that it can only be from taking a few deep breaths in the fresh outside air, but don't underestimate the power.

Getting a dose of concentrated oxygen not only clears our mind, fills our lungs and is absorbed through our body, it is making major physiological changes that is telling our body, it is safe.  It is known that when we are stressed our body focusses the oxygen-carrying blood to our vital organs, in order to support what is most crucial and needed at the time.  So breathing fresh air is not just something that feels good.  Breathing fresh air supports many of our physiological activities, it is most crucial during times of crisis, it is the main thing we preserve during stress and the one thing that can make all run as efficiently as possible. So it only makes sense that as soon as our bodies realize it has ample oxygen to support all activities, it can relax, it can make you feel relaxed and allow your body to operate as normal.

During times of isolation it becomes one of the most useful tools to support our health and happiness, yet we are being urged to stay inside as much as possible.  Which means, in times like this it is worth our effort to be creative, take extra steps and do all we can physically to seek out as much fresh air in our day, every day.  For some that can be extremely challenging but not impossible.

- Much like my advise on how to seek out nature; it is valuable to check out all of your sources of fresh air through windows, access points and outdoor spaces. Some may have a better breeze or airflow which is valuable for short, quick doses. Then there may be more sheltered sources or spaces, maybe those that get more sun that can be more valuable for longer periods because the air stays warm (assuming you are in a similar Canadian Climate as I am right now).

- Take your stationary workouts to a window or access point, or even better outside.  When at a clinic for Chronic Lyme I participated in one (of many) treatments, that was called Exercise with Oxygen Therapy, where you raise your heart rate for 20-30 seconds, then infuse your body with oxygen by every medial means possible.  Replicate the same; do a sprint or high intensity set, then go to the windows and take the largest, deepest breaths possible. Your body is calling for oxygen so it will absorb and intake as much as possible.  Think of it as an oxygen infusion.

- Take your yoga mat outside.  Wear a snow suit if you have to, even if only for 10 minutes.  You won't be cold for long and as ridiculous as you may feel, the overall good feeling as a result, will override any ridiculousness.  Make your focus any breathing technique you prefer.

- My favourite outdoor workout space is steps. It can be your front steps or a pile of rocks.  But it can allow you to do cardio type exercises (step ups, jump ups) or more resistance type ones (push ups, dips, one legged squats).  You literally only have to take one step outside your house for a full outdoor workout.  And remember your key purpose in doing this is to infuse your body with oxygen.  So before starting, take some deep breaths - then keep deep, long breaths your focus for the workout -  as you stretch maintain the same.

- If all else fails make it a daily practice to open a window for a few minutes a day (maybe several times a day) and take some deep, really deep breaths.  It will accomplish the same. I encourage nasal breathing when you can because it gets it rapidly, directly and most deeply into the lungs.  Not only does your nose filter the air, it moistens it making it more easily absorbed by the body.  If you have a cold or sinus issues, take some through your nose and then recover through your mouth if you must. Nasal breathing can actually improve sinus issues if you do a little every day. My favourite practice is a version of a long deep breath in, first into your chest and deep into what feels like your stomach, hold for a few seconds and then as slowly as possible out for as long as you can, getting every last molecule out. Then repeat.

Oxygen has the ability to kill certain infections on contact. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that will benefit from improved breathing skills and lung capacity. Vitamins and minerals in the air and outdoors drastically boost our immune system capabilities.  But in my mind, the mental and emotional calm that can be found by the stress reducing powers of fresh air is what makes it so powerful.  It will always be worth our time and efforts to take in a little fresh air.  It is one of the powerful tools we have at our disposal while we stay at home these days.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Make Space for Nature - In Isolation

As the rules of isolation constantly intensify people are slowly losing their access to nature, the one perk many were claiming was making it manageable.  So this blog post will start a series of articles to help you find that connection, that we all need so badly - now more than ever.

If you have no or almost no, access to the outdoors, I suggest some of the following ideas to help you bring the outside in, no matter what the four walls around you look like. There are advantages to viewing nature even when access is limited so try some of these out as they are meant to bring you some solace during challenging times.

- Do a scan of your home at several times of the day to find the brightest rooms, best views. largest landscapes and even different styles of landscapes. The reason being is different windows and access points can serve different moods and purposes.

- The sun may shine in one room in the morning and a different room in the afternoon.  Find a work space, rest space or workout spot based on the time of day you want to do it and where the most light comes in.  Yes, you can get a sunburn through a window (although the sun is not very intense right now).  And even if on a sunny day it seems too bright just remember your eyes and body may adjust, it just may seem extreme at first compared to the artificial light you have been exposed to.

- That light; the sun - your skin and your eyes want to absorb that, even if it is through a window.  It can change a mood faster than you know and make work, or a workout seem worth the effort just to be there.  And know that many health clinics in other parts of the world have sun rooms, with large comfy chairs that expose patients to natural light through the windows. So set up your favourite chair, rearrange your living room furniture or move a bed to make every possible exposure serve you now for all the things you do during the day.

- Even more than just seeking light and sunshine, sometimes a certain view can help a mood. If you are feeling trapped or too isolated, then an open view of a field or park or even lawn can provide and open feeling of freedom, helping to decrease more negative emotions. If you are feeling lonely or scared, then trees, forest and gardens can help ease that emotion just a little.

- Beyond the view you are looking at consider your activity.  I move my laptop around my house to compensate for the weather, what I am working on or the time of day.  I know the room that feels the brightest on a dreary day or when I need a large workspace, I can spread out on a big table but orientate it to look out my patio doors.  And patio doors are among the best places to place a yoga mat because the access to nature is available no matter what position you are in, lying down or standing.  It's as close to working out, outside as you can get, while still indoors.

- When you are feeling really disconnected from nature sometimes the best thing you can do is simply stand, sit and look out at at your favourite view.  It doesn't have to be a fully natural view.  Noticing a tree or roof top garden can do the same.  Just really take it in and notice what ever it is to make a connection.  My best exercise to do this is to try and notice one new thing each time you look, something you have never noticed before.  Such as, a bird almost hidden in a tree or the strange way a branch is growing.  Maybe there is a rock somewhere that you never paid attention to that now catches your eye or a new pot that will soon be planted.  It's all connection that your body is making, that can bring a similar ease that nature brings when you are out in it.

- You can also make the most of the nature you have inside.  Even if you only have one or a few plants in your house, gather them to a place together in the space you spend the most time.  Create your own indoor garden and tend to it unlike you ever have never before.  Split them and repot them if you can, clip and trim just a little everyday and spread the soil as often as you can.  It may seem silly, but the chemicals released from a plant and the organics in soil have proven health benefits,  that are hard to show, but proven by science.

- When all else fails you should know that natural scenes (produced artificially) have been shown in studies to evoke similar neurological reactions as nature itself can. Some of the reasoning is that your brain and body are reminded of the same feeling you had in nature and when you look at an artificial view, so it releases the same chemicals to create the same feeling as it did naturally.  So, change your screen saver to your favourite natural view, put an outdoor show on mute on your tv, pull out some family holiday photos of your time on the beach or favourite hiking spot or google your dream vacation or natural location.

It may all seem like rather basic advice but it holds more power scientifically than we know.  Nature is where we find balance the fastest and easiest. We are nature ourselves. So it holds more proven healing powers that are often not promoted.  We need it much more than we acknowledge.  We assume it will always be there and we can always go there.  It does more to support us emotionally than we recognize.  So as things change, we may feel lost without it.  Our ability to bring it in, take it in and benefit from it stands with our ability to be creative in these crazy times.  But I promise, it will be worth every small effort you make.

We can do this.  Just like nature our ability to be resilient and adjust with the conditions around us is nothing short of miraculous.

Next Blog: How To Take In Fresh Air When Things Feel Like Anything But Fresh

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